Korean Red Cross

Training Courses


Title Attending 17th International Youth Forum of the FIODS/IFBDO
Drafter Administrator Date 2017-09-12 Hits 2140

Korean Red Cross staff and Blood Donation Supporters (volunteers) attended the 17th International Youth Forum of the FIODS/IFBDO from August 24 to 27 in Kaunas, Lithuania.


The purpose of the forum was to share volunteer/work experiences of blood donation promotion and increase the awareness of the significance of voluntary non-remunerated blood donation. 


With more than 60 people from 14 different countries, Korean delegates had an opportunity to present overview of blood services in Korea, discussed blood donation promotion strategies with other participants, and learn more about blood services from other countries. 


During the forum, we visited Vilnius National Blood Center and blood donation event at the park. Also, we attended the lecture and workshop which discussed new ideas and campaigns to promote blood donation and achieve 100% of voluntary blood donation globally.



We will continue to work with blood services from different countries and share our knowledge with them to improve blood services.