Korean Red Cross

Training Courses


Title 2017 Capacity Building for Blood Transfusion Service Delivery (Tanzania)
Drafter Administrator Date 2017-08-03 Hits 1938

Korean Red Cross Blood Services has conducted 2017 Capacity Building for Blood Transfusion Service Delivery (Tanzania) supported by KOICA CIAT program from July 20 to 30, 2017.



The purpose of the program was to strengthen and improve blood safety, quality management, and testing for Tanzanian blood services.



With 15 participants from MoH, NBTS, and other blood service institutions, KRC Blood Services provided the information including the overview of Korean blood services, blood safety and testing, and quality management. The participants had an opportunity to visit blood center, blood donation centers, and blood laboratory center.



As a part of the program, the participants developed the action plan which they could possibly implement in Tanzania.



We hope to continue to cooperate with blood services from different countries and share our knowledge and techincal assistance with them in order to improve blood services at a global level.